Labradorite Torus [Eye Am Constantly Renewed]


Labradorite Torus [Eye Am Constantly Renewed]


Pendant Size: 29x6mm ~ 1.1 inches

Crystal: Labradorite

Sacred Geometry: Gold Plated Brass Torus

Necklace: See Below

Bail: 18k gold plated sterling silver 

Flow to Cart
24K Gold Filled Snake Chain - 19.5" or 23.5"
from $30.00


Labradorite helps to purify your energy and connect you with the energy of light. Having Labradorite in your space creates an energetic shield that protects your aura and strengthens your personal energy supply. Labradorite stimulates your inner awareness, bringing you closer to discovering your authentic self.

Symbol Meaning: TORUS

A torus is a three dimensional donut-shaped geometric model for energy fields; a dynamic closed, self-sustaining system. Energy flows freely in all directions, with an emphasis on an ascending and descending spiraling flow of energy. At the very center of the torus is a singularity, a zero point of limitless potential and generative reorganization and stabilization. 

At the root of all forms in our universe is a torus. It is the underlying structure of every atom, molecule, cell, crystal, plant, animal, human, planet, solar system, and galaxy. Each torus is nested within and integrated into another, more encompassing torus. 

The human torus connects to larger tori in the same way that the tori of human cells or molecules connect to the larger human torus. It is in turn part of the Earth which connects to the universal torus. All tori are connected to Source energy. 

The torus is a core level sacred geometry form representing the process by which all energy, when it is correctly aligned, continually is cycling, up and down and around, between spirit and matter. The torus is a donut-shaped flow of energy identified by the ancient Greeks. It shapes Creation in the micro and the macro, from the atom to galaxies, to human life.

The Torus explains how something starts as a descent from spirit, or an ascent from matter, through a central channel or tube of light/energy/consciousness. The energy of the object can only go so far in one direction before it doubles back on itself, returning to its source, gaining energy, going forward again, achieving a certain height or depth, before needing to return again to gather more energy from source.

The torus is the flow described by the One Law. You can call it the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Karma, or the Law of Reciprocity. Whatever it is called, it acknowledges that there has to be an activating power that moves into a field of substance to create something in that field. And then, there is a flow that returns to the source of the activation.

Examples of the torus in nature:

  • water cycle; rain and snow fall from the atmosphere to water the earth, flowing down mountains and hillsides to the sea, to evaporate and return to the sky.

  • The heartbeat circulates blood through the arteries to the cells, and the blood returns through the veins.

  • Milky Way galaxy

There are more subtle levels of experience that rely on the flow of the torus. Generally speaking, we, as human beings, have some sense of that flow. And when that more subtle flow is blocked, we feel the discomfort and imbalance of it.

If you are having issues with feeling stuck or stagnant, or need to get matters moving forward in a healthy manner, then incorporating the Torus into your environment is very helpful.