Black Tourmaline in Quartz Metatron's Cube over Flower of Life [Eye Am Bliss]

Black Tourmaline in Quartz Metatron's Cube over Flower of Life [Eye Am Bliss]
18k Gold Plated Brass Metatron’s Cube over Silver Flower of Life
Crystal: Black Tourmaline in Quartz
Tourmaline Quartz combines the properties of Tourmaline and Quartz Crystal. Tourmaline is a grounding stone that purifies ones energy and protects from negativity, while Quartz amplifies energies. This combination makes Tourmaline Quartz a powerful shield-stone that can convert the negative energy into positive energy for the wearer. Tourmalinated quartz can provide a balancing of yin/yang energies and release negative patterns.
Size: 1 3/8 inch
Necklace: See Below
Symbol Meaning: The Flower of Life is a sacred geometric symbol composed of multiple overlapping circles with 6 fold symmetry. It is considered to be sacred among many cultures, both ancient and modern, and can be found around the world (Egypt, China, Japan, India, Turkey, Armenia, Italy, Spain). Many other symbols derive from the Flower of Life which provide further insight into the fundamental workings of energy and the universe. The Flower of Life can be used as a metaphor to illustrate the connectedness of all life and the one spirit within the universe.
Metatron's cube is found within the Flower of Life symbol by forming 13 circles of the Fruit of Life. It contains every shape that exists in the universe, and those shapes are the building blocks of all physical matter. They are known as Platonic solids because the philosopher Plato linked them to the spirit world of heaven and the physical elements on Earth. Those three-dimensional shapes appear throughout creation in everything from crystals to human DNA.
5️⃣ The 5 Platonic Solids represent the 5 basic elements: earth, air, fire, water, and the universe.
1️⃣ The CUBE is associated with the EARTH, and reconnecting energy to nature.
2️⃣ The OCTAHEDRON is associated with AIR, and cultivating acceptance and compassion.
3️⃣ The TETRAHEDRON is associated with FIRE, and perpetuates balance and stability.
4️⃣ The ICOSAHEDRON is associated with WATER, and enhances creative thought and expression.
5️⃣ The DODECAHEDRON is associated with the UNIVERSE (ether), and represents mystery and meditation. Plato stated that the dodecahedron was "used for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven." The dodecahedron can be seen as representing the universe with the twelve zodiac signs corresponding to the twelve faces of the dodecahedron.