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by Artist Fibonacci Fibonacci

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Featured here is EYE inspired art by Fibonacci Fibonacci. His artwork is available as art prints, large posters, and canvas frames. There are 20+ artworks to choose from. Enjoy the following enLIGHTening pieces.

"Flowing River"

The ever present raw energy of creativity is transmuted through sacred shapes & sounds flowing from within never been without. This energy brings forth intuitive visions of truth effortlessly flowing towards love. Up above & so below no doubt has entered the flow, the parts are in the whole.

"Flower of Love"

She appeared out of the ether fishing in the sacred spring that sprung Fibonacci. All eyes were on her seeking out wisdom and beauty as her petals were opening to involve and evolve all the highly thinkable friends. With the winds came enchanting messages that we are flowers that hold the promise of love.

"Eye of Ro"



The prize most cherished is in the eye of the beholder. Solve the riddle by following the symmetry laid out in the numerology. Each one just as necessary to spiraleyez your vision into happiness. Don't be tense and soon it will all make sense.

"Eye of Torus

Protective rays of ultraviolet are magnetized about transpiring to create new life. The cycle is continued as the new child is born to save the world. He is adorned with supportive gold and named by his brothers and sisters. He radiates toroidal energy in the form of the source. One may begin to imagine that he is source.

"Sacred Gs"
